Our Story

Reefer Sails Apparel is a grass roots sailing company build by sailors who enjoy the art of sailing. We love the wind and spray hitting our faces while praying either the main or the genoa are hiding us from the sun.  We love the waves hitting the hull, the halyards tapping the spars, and the constant adjustment of the jib sheets to hit that perfect set.  We love looking ahead to see if that piece of land is our destination, checking and rechecking the nav system.  We love looking ahead to see blue waters meet blue skies. We love watching the orange sky disappear into the blue waters and watching the stars come and go from behind the sails. Our overall favorite part, the part we want to share with you, is the next port of call, our next destination, our next excursion. I hope you can join us.  


Our apparel is made for everyday wear. Its boat wear. Its the clothing you wear when your sailing. Put your shirt on, get it sweaty, get it dirty, take it off to clean the cobwebs off the out board, clean the beer off the cabin sole, and wipe your face. Each shirt has a story, each story is written below the shirt. if you like the shirt, like the story. Buy the shirt, and when you get your own story, send it to us. We will post it.